Thursday, January 8, 2009

Running in the Dark

Yesterday Amy asked me if I wanted to go running with her today at 6. I agreed for various reasons although I forgot to take into consideration that it would be dark at 6. I showed up prepared for the cold and we took off for our run. Kay was there as well so that made it better. I was thinking that we would just run down Lawndale on the sidewalk where there were STREETLIGHTS but nooooo. We ran through the park which has no lights and is surrounded by woods!

I am someone who has seen EVERY Nightmare on Elm Street, EVERY Halloween, EVERY Friday the 13th, not to mention all of the other scary movies I have seen. You know the ones where the woman is being chased through the woods and she trips over a branch and then gets massacred by some psycho?? Yeah, well that's what was going through my mind for the majority of the run. Luckily we had some great conversation which kept my mind off of my terror for the most part. I'm pretty sure my heart was racing for most of the run, LOL.

Although it was scary, it was wonderful! I had a great time and afterwards I felt amazingly energized. I STILL feel energized which is crazy considering I also went swimming earlier today. I think I will be able to handle a couple of two-a-days a week. I'm so serious about this and I know that I will be ready for the triathlon when it gets here.


Paul said...

I live outside the city and as soon as you get outside my neighborhood there are no street lights. I was running early one morning and on my way home I could hear some animal following me through the woods the whole way until I got back in the neighborhood. That was a VERY weird feeling!

Kay said...

It really wasnt THAT dark...the moon was bright and Amy had her trusty headlamp (even if it wsant that bright). It was a great run, I agree with that and just be glad the deer were in the woods watching us and not running AT us.

Dena said...

I'm going to figure out the next time you all go running and hide in the woods...