Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Body Fat Percentage Bullcrap

So I told y'all yesterday about how I bought the body composition scale and how upset I was by the percentage it gave me. I was convince it was a liar so I decided to have my husband (who rarely works out and eats cheesecake like 3 times a week) get on there to see what his is. Umm yeah so now I'm even MORE upset. His body fat percentage is less than half of mine. I mean COME ON! In what universe is this even fair? He went out and ran/walked a mile and a half today and he'll probably lose 2 pounds. Me on the other hand, if I go more than 3 days without working out I gain 2 pounds.

My mom asked me the other day "why aren't you skinny?". Yes, why am I not skinny? I'm really starting to think that I have some sort of condition that isn't allowing me to lose weight. I think I'm going to go get this checked out because something isn't right.

On another note: I'm going to try to go for 2 weeks without eating any dairy product. I think that dairy is really causing me intestinal distress so I want to see how I feel if I just eliminate it from my diet. This is going to be extremely hard for me because I LOVE pretty much everything diary. I haven't met a cheese I didn't like, ice cream has always been a great friend to me, cream sauce *sigh*. Oh well, if it gets rid of my stomach pains then I guess it will be worth it....maybe...


Tasha said...

Look at it this way, your heart is as healthy as it can probably get, your organs are probably healthier than when you were in college and compared to someone like me (who never works out and eats whatever I feel like it) you will outlive my skinny behind. That is unless I jump on your bandwagon. That's the good thing about all this, you don't have to look or be skinny to be healthy. I should know, my doctor's tell me how unhealthy I am all the time.
By the way, don't worry about the diary, I will enjoy it for you. Sounds like Chris will too. Make sure you are not in the room when he has a slice of cheesecake.

sian said...

I agree-it is crap-you look great-just keeping going for it !

Tam said...

Tasha - You shouldn't be skinny for too long, but that will be a good thing. You make sure you feed my nephew all the food he wants while he's in your belly. I'm going to have to make Chris eat his cheesecake when I'm not home.

Sian - Thank you!

The Running Bob said...

Yea guys have it easier when losing weight for some reason... my wife hates me for this...Drink one less beer, don't eat a candy bar, or just say I am losing weight and it happens. You probably didn't want to read that.

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