Tuesday, January 11, 2011

sNOw Day

I remember when I was younger, I used to LOVE snow days. Really, what kid didn't love any excuse not to go to school? I remember making snow men, sledding, and enjoying a big cup of snow cream. Running around in the cold snow without a care in the world. Those were the days!

Now that I'm a (semi) responsible adult the snow just gets on my nerves. Yeah, sure it is pretty to look at, for about 5 minutes and then I'm concerned about how I won't be able to get my car out of the driveway without running into the side of the house. What I didn't realize as a child is that snow isn't some magical powder that shuts the world down. Nope, the world keeps on turning and the snow just makes it more difficult for me to participate in what's going on.

I live in the southern part of the U.S. and down here people are incapable of operating during snow. An inch of snow will literally shut the city DOWN. So I guess you can tell that I'm currently snowed in :-/ I'm "working from home" so I have lots of stuff to do but when I'm at home it is just hard to concentrate. Not to mention I still have the urge to run outside and roll around in the snow. But since I'm not going to do that I guess I'll just make myself a big cup of hot chocolate and bundle up on the couch :-)

Enjoy the snow day if you're having one!

1 comment:

Conen Morgan said...

LOL I am laughing at the snowwoman. Where is the rest of her clothes.